Visit Downtown Beatrice, Nebraska
We are centralizing our event calendar submissions to streamline the process. If your business or organization is hosting an event that you would like featured on our website calendar, please fill out this form with the event details. We will regularly update our website calendar based on the submissions received through this form.
– For event calendar submissions: Submit your events through the Google Doc form at least 2 business days prior to the event date for timely inclusion on our website calendar.
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Beatrice, NE 4/29/2024 – Main Street Beatrice has been designated as an Accredited Main Street America program for meeting rigorous performance standards. Each year, Main Street America and its partners announce the list of designated programs to recognize their exceptional commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.
In 2023, the Main Street America programs generated $5.68 billion in local reinvestment, helped open 6,630 net new businesses, facilitated the creation of 35,162 net new jobs, catalyzed the rehabilitation of 10,556 historic buildings, and leveraged 1,664,763 volunteer hours. On average, for every dollar that a Main Street program spent to support their operations, it generated $18.03 of new investment back into their downtown and commercial corridor communities.
“We are incredibly excited to celebrate this year’s 800 Accredited Main Street America programs, and their remarkable efforts to reenergize their local economies and public spaces,” said Main Street America President and CEO Erin Barnes. “Main Street leaders are visionaries that see things that no one else can see and create the future world we all want to live in. The size and impact of our network demonstrates that great things happen when visions are realized through strategic, grassroots collaboration.”
Main Street Beatrice’s performance was evaluated through assessments conducted by the organization’s personnel and board of directors, and Nebraska Main Street Network, which works in partnership with Main Street America to identify local programs that meet rigorous national community evaluation standards.
These standards provide the Main Street America network with a strong foundational framework to review progress, recognize strengths, understand trends, and identify strategies that move Main Street programs forward. To quality for Accredited status—Main Street America’s top designation tier—communities must demonstrate a proven track record of achieving outcomes in alignment with the Main Street Approach and exceptional performance in six areas: broad-based community commitment to revitalization; inclusive leadership and organizational capacity; diversified funding and sustainable program operations; strategy-driven programming; preservation-based economic development; and demonstrated impact and results.
2023 saw Main Street Beatrice more busy than ever assisting business owners, promoting our downtown, planning for the future, and so much more.
Karlene Douglas, Main Street Beatrice Board President says, “This accreditation shows the hard work that our executive director, staff, board, and community have put into making our Main Street a great place to live, work, and shop!”
Downtown Beatrice is chock-full of history and all you need to do to find it is walk! Check out this guide to the official historical markers in downtown Beatrice. Click download under the file preview and enjoy a lovely day exploring!
First, what is a Nebraska Creative Arts District? This program is run by the Nebraska Arts Council with legislation and funding passed by the Nebraska Legislature to strengthen arts as an economic driver and elevate the value of the arts in Nebraska. Designated districts will be well-defined geographic areas with a high concentration of creative resources and activities. The goals of the program include encouraging business and job development, establishing the district as a tourist destination, preserving and reusing historic buildings, and promoting the district’s cultural and historical heritage. Many of these goals align with the goals of the National Main Street program which is why Main Street Beatrice has taken on the responsibilities of district administration. Main Street Beatrice has been working in partnership with the City of Beatrice, the Beatrice Area Chamber of Commerce, and Community Players to move this district forward.
Once we have been given the designation, an initial $10,000 grant is given to the district that can help with marketing, hiring consultants, community enhancement projects, and putting on community events. After designation, we would have access to an annual grant program of up to a $250,000 each year that would be open to us for programming, physical enhancements, marketing, and to assist with administrative costs. These grants will be competitive and will not require local match.
Beatrice boasts a wealth of artistic people, businesses, and organizations in the proposed downtown district. When the program was being developed, Beatrice was used as an example of an ideal community to take advantage of the district designation and we are proud to be moving forward in the application process.
The application process is underway, we have submitted our letter of interest to the Nebraska Arts Council and have been given the green light to move forward with the application workbook. The 44-page workbook is mostly finished, and after the community informational meeting, we are much closer to be able to submit that workbook to the NAC. Our next steps include submitting the finished workbook, a district site visit, certification, and then the fun part, using the grant to improve our community.
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We have several resources to help you start or grow your business.
We’re focused on the physical appearance of our Main Street.
Look for jobs, check out our schools, churches, civic clubs, and more.
We truly appreciate the support of our contributing partners.
The casual encounters you enjoy at neighborhood-scale businesses and the public spaces around them, build relationships and community cohesiveness. Plus, each dollar you spend at independent businesses, brings more than 3 times as much money back to our local economy than one dollar spent at a chain.