Night of the Great Pumpkin Announcement: Main Street Beatrice has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Night of the Great Pumpkin trick or treat celebration downtown due to current health guidance and local recommendations. Alternative activities are currently being considered, including family movie nights with Beatrice Movies, as well as a “Guess the Weight of the Great Pumpkin” contest and a coloring contest with local elementary schools. Watch for updates on Facebook, at, or by calling Main Street Beatrice at 402-223-3244.
The trick or treat portion of the event typically draws over 3,000 people downtown (kids and adults), mostly concentrated in a 3-4 block area. With the growing potential to negatively affect our schools, businesses, and families in mind, if an outbreak and subsequent quarantine were to occur, we could not in good faith continue with this event.
There is no doubt that our organization and downtown merchants feel strongly about giving back to the community and will continue to do so in the future. This year has been a struggle with no easy choices.

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Beatrice Unified Command Covid-19 Update: