Main Street Matters
Main Street Beatrice is an independent, non-profit organization, set on revitalizing our community starting from our city’s core, the downtown, and radiating out. Our primary goals are historic preservation and fostering healthy economic growth of the downtown, thru current business assistance, promotion, and by attracting new businesses. We also focus on building up our community by generating positive and constructive interactions between businesses, city officials, and most importantly Beatrice residents and visiting consumers. — Our goal is to work for a stronger Beatrice through our Downtown.
Mission Area:
Our History
In the summer of 1996, a group of local citizens concerned about the future of downtown Beatrice looked to the Main Street Approach to set a course for downtown revitalization. The group visited more than 180 downtown businesses and conducted surveys of 169 buildings in the Main Street Mission Area to determine the needs of the downtown. After a competitive entry process, Beatrice was selected as one of four communities accepted into the Nebraska Main Street Network (formerly the Nebraska Lied Main Street Program) for the year 1997. Since then this volunteer community group has grown and evolved into a dedicated non-profit organization whose staff and volunteers continue the work of strengthening downtown Beatrice.
In addition, Main Street Beatrice has been accredited by Main Street America as a Designated National Main Street Community. Main Street America was developed to stimulate downtown economic development within the context of historic preservation and through a partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Our Approach
The strength of the Main Street Program is its Four Point Approach: Organization, Economic Vitality, Promotion, and Design. Each of the four areas is represented by a committee of community volunteers whose combined activities create success for downtown Beatrice. The goal of Main Street Beatrice is to promote a positive image of downtown by preserving our unique historic character, strengthen our district’s economic base, and emphasize downtown as the center of community activity.
Main Street Beatrice is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that operates through an Executive Director and the guidance of a 15 member Board of Directors who set policies and procedures for the overall program operation. The Board and the Executive Director welcome the opportunity to explain Main Street Beatrice’s initiatives and goals.

If you would like to learn more about Main Street Beatrice, our downtown community, or volunteer opportunities please contact us for more details.
Office Phone: 402-223-3244